New Years in Southern California

We spent our 2nd annual New Years down in Southern California.  Hopefully we can make this an ongoing tradition.  Its a nice time to catch up with friends and family down there.  We flew down to LAX from Santa Rosa (Amazing!) on Sunday morning and then drove straight down to my Aunts house in Laguna.  It was 75 and sunny so we took a stroll down to the beach and Lily even got her toes in the sand.  After heading back to my Aunts, Lily napped and we relaxed out back with some adult cocktails.  That evening my great friend Jamie and her boyfriend came down for dinner along with my cousins girlfriend and her family.  We had a great time...drank way too much wine, ate a great home cooked meal and laughed our butts off playing cards against humanity.

Monday morning we took our time getting ready and packed before heading back up to the South bay.  We met up with the Thompson's and adorable Chase (10 months).  We all walked from their apartment to the pier in Manhattan Beach for lunch at Brew Co.  Lily and Chase were so well behaved and totally playing off each other the whole time.  After lunch we let the babes nap while we all relaxed ourselves.  That evening Rollie, Lily and I headed up to Santa Monica for the official Stanford Pep Rally and to meet up with Cathy & Sal, Anne, and Jeannie & Steve.  We didn't stay too long as we were all tired and wanted to see Dina (where we were staying).  Rollie picked up his favorite Mexican and I picked up one of my favorite salads before heading back to Dina's.

Tuesday while Dina headed off to work for a 1/2 day.  The three of us walked down to the beach and Lily encountered her first taste of a donut!  Rollie's stepsister Lisa and her son Cameron came over for a park date and lunch  at our favorite deli.  Later that afternoon I picked up my best friend Stephanie from Chicago as she was coming in for the Rose Bowl.  We all headed to happy hour in Manhattan Beach to meet up with the Smits.  That evening we headed to the Elmore's for our 2nd annual crazy screaming girls New Years Eve with the Elmore's and the Muro's.  We had 4 girls under 4.5 running around with New Years hats, horns, and sparklers.  We all caught up, ate/drank and toasted to the New Year (east coast time of course). 

New Years day-Game Day.  Rollie unfortunately woke up with the stomach flu. Again.  This happened last year too.  At first he thought it was game day nerves but he made a turn for the worse when we arrived at the Rose Bowl to tailgate.  Poor poor guy.  We tailgated with the crew and I headed into the game with everyone while he had to stay back.  Stanford lost but it was still fun.

We are glad to be home and back to reality.  No big plans in January.  I'm off the last week for our yearly closure at work so I plan on doing lots of projects around the house.


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