Week in Review

Its time I start these up again because I'm forgetting what we did just yesterday!

The last week in January I was off work so I was fortunate enough to get ALOT of projects done around the house.  Lily went to daycare still Wed-Fri and I organized every nook and cranny of our house.  I also deep cleaned the kitchen.  Rollie stained our deck and we painted all of the columns which used to be a dark green with a nice neutral beige that the rest of the trim on the house is.  Our next big project is figuring out what to do with our backyard.  I just wish yard crashers would come and do it all!

Lily is full of energy these days (as any 17 month is) and we've been trying to keep busy with kindergym, playgroup, walks, and introducing new activities at home (coloring, play-do, counting, identifying body parts, animal sounds etc.)  I've never been happier that we converted our old 'family room' into her playroom.  She has tons of room to play and make a big mess and we don't feel anxious about it.  Her vocabulary is expanding everyday which is so much fun to witness.  Her favorite words/phrases right now are definitely 'here you go' (when she hands you something), car (which applies to anything close to a car, truck, plane, boat, etc), Rufus (its the first thing she says in the morning...not momma or dadda...Rufus!), & baba (water or milk).  She's also OBSESSED with just 2 books, "Peek-a-boo Baby" and "What does baby say", up until last night they were literally the only books she would grab for us to read.  Rollie one night read "Peek-a-boo Baby" a dozen times.  Last night I sat with her in her teepee for a while and luckily (for our sanity) she gravitated towards a few others as well.  It is absolutely amazing though to watch her little mind go round and round and see that she can anticipate the next page in a book.  She also started counting out of the blue!  I said 'one' and she followed with 'two', I think I cried a little bit.  We haven't even tried practicing it with her its just something she picked up on her own.  Its crazy to think that she is almost closer to 2 than 1.

Here are a few pics from the last 2 weeks.


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