Week in review

We had a pretty mellow week.  Monday we had kindergym, and Lily is definitely getting more adventurous.  Tuesday we had playgroup and then walked spring lake in the afternoon.  We also got Lilythr radio flyer trike I've been wanting to get her for 6 months now.  I think she likes it. Thursday after work we met up with Kerry and Kristin at John ash just down the street from us.  We've finally come to the realization that we can't go out to dinner anymore :( The last few times it's just been too stressful and we just end up taking turns running around outside.
This weekend I've been fighting a bug of some sort so we've just been a bit lazy which goes along with the rain we are finally getting.

Tolday Rollie let me sleep in and ordered breakfast in from our favorite spot.  Thanks baby! We menu planned and grocery shopped for the week and Loly and I made some valentine Rice Krispie treats.  Mmmmm


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