14 Weeks

Cooking time: 14 weeks, 4 days

Weight gain: +5 yikes!  At this point with Lily I was still gaining back the weight I had lost in the first trimester...maybe its a boy?! 

Food aversions/cravings: No aversions, but not super into veggies either.  Loving bagels maybe because its something I don't normally let myself have on a regular basis.  Peanut butter is also super good right now, I bought the crunch JIF snack packs and they are a perfect snack with some pretzel thins.  I'm not as ravenous as I was in the first tri but I really need to workout more, I've just been lazy.

Sleep: Still not great, the other night I was up from 3-5am for no reason, which really makes trying to go to the gym at 5:30 nearly impossible.

Movement: I've definitely felt little flutters even though you supposedly can't feel it until 16 weeks.

Overall feeling/other symptoms:  So much better now.  The exhaustion is gone for the most part and haven't been nauseous in a week or two.  We got our genetic screening results back and all looked great.  Very anxious to find out boy or girl, should happen the week of April 14th.

What we've been up to:  We are 11 days away from our Europe trip so of course beyond excited for that.  We had 2 weeks straight of visitors which is always fun but this week/weekend it's been nice to relax a bit more.  Last night Rollie and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary with a nice dinner out in Graton at Underwood.  Today we are taking Lily to the zoo for the first time!
                     14.5 weeks with Lily

                     14.5 weeks with #2


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