Discovery Museum

My mom, Grandma, Aunts, Uncle, and cousins have been in town all week.  Its so fun to have all my family here.  Last Sunday we went to the Discovery Museum, last time Lily was there she couldn't even walk yet so she definitely got a lot more out of it this time.  It was also a beautiful day by the bay so that was a bonus.  After the museum we went to my Aunt and Uncle's rental house in Sausolito to relax and play.  Lily was so good at entertaining herself without any toys or help.  We had planned to go to dinner in Larkspur but Lily only had a short nap in the morning and going out to eat these days is near impossible so my mom, Rollie, Grandma, Lily and I headed back to Santa Rosa so Lily could nap again in the car and then we grabbed burgers and milkshakes at Flipside near home.


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