18 Weeks w/ #2

Cooking time: 18 weeks, 3 days

Weight gain: +9...this time around sure is different.  I'm not overeating (for the most part), I just think my body knew what to do this time around a lot quicker than last, at least that's what I'm going to keep telling myself...its all baby weight :)

Food aversions/cravings: Nothing crazy, although last night I really wanted spicy boneless wings and Rollie (the amazing husband that he is) went and got me some.  He said it was the first time this pregnancy that I've asked him to get me something so he happily did.

Sleep: Much better.  I still for the most part wake up 2 times a night to pee but I can usually fall back asleep quickly.

Movement: I've definitely felt little flutters.

Overall feeling/other symptoms: Feeling pretty great, wish it stayed like this until the end!

What we've been up to:  Last week we recovered from jetlag for the most part.  Saturday night we had Kerry and Kristen over to catch up and bbq.  Sunday I attended my friend Micaela's motherhood blessing, her sister, mom, and aunts put on a beautiful afternoon.  Tuesday we Dina, Keith, and Michelle over for beef bourgiounon and lots of good vino (them of course).  Keith and Michelle moved up to Napa a few months ago from Southern California and Dina is up here staying with them for the week.  They came to visit me at work today too which is always fun.  My good friend Laura from High School is also in town from Michigan with 2 other couples celebrating all making partner in their law firm so they also visited me at Duckhorn yesterday and then all 8 of us are going to dinner in Santa Rosa tonight.  Busy Busy but as always we like it. 

Picture above is 18.5 weeks with #2, and bottom is 18 weeks with Lily 2 years ago in March down at the Montage Resort in Laguna. 

And a few others from this week.


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