19 Weeks with Baby Sis!

Its a girl!  We found out Monday morning that Lily is going to have a little sister.  We are so excited.  A tiny bit nervous for the teenage years but nonetheless excited.  I'm very excited that I can reuse all of her adorable clothes.

Cooking time: 19 weeks, 2 days.

Weight gain: +9 still.

Food aversions/cravings: Just spicy and anything sweet.  Its funny, I don't like Mexican food that much (I know I'm crazy) but Rollie was hoping that since I was craving spicy that meant Mexican...not the case.

Sleep: Much better.  I still for the most part wake up 2 times a night to pee but I can usually fall back asleep quickly.

Movement: Still mostly flutters, waiting for that first actual kick.

Overall feeling/other symptoms: Feeling pretty great still.  I really need to take advantage of the energy I have and get to the gym.  I've been walking but that's about it.  

What we've been up to: Last week we had several different groups of friends in town so it was fun to catch up with everyone, so that also meant we relaxed for the most part Friday and Saturday of this weekend.  Sunday was Easter and we had the Otto's and Kliegl's over for breakfast and a little Easter egg hunt.  After Lily realized there was snacks or candy in the eggs she stopped collecting them and just tried opening them.  After a nice nap for us all we headed over to our friend Brian Kelly's parents house with Kerry for a Easter bbq.  They had a great backyard for Lily to play in too.  Monday was full of doctors appointments and we found out that Baby Wright #2 is a girl!  I spent a good part of Monday organizing and cleaning out the guest room since it will be a nursery in 4.5 short months.  We ordered a wardrobe for our coats to go out in the garage and will be turning in the coat closet to more storage/office.  We moved the dresser that was in the guest room into my room for my makeup/jewelry and got rid of the desk that was previously holding that stuff.  We will just have to be creative with space and its nice to get rid of stuff too!  We also ordered Lily a twin bed along with all new bedding that we will be trying out by the end of the week.  Eeek!  I'm so afraid to mess with her great sleep but all of our friends have had a seamless transition so hoping for the same.  The next step will be to move the crib into the guest room and figure out some sort of guest sleeping arrangements, whether it be using the existing queen or purchasing a new twin or full that can be a daybed in the nursery.  I know I'm hitting the whole 'nesting' stage a tad early but its alot easier to move around now at 5 months and not to mention it will be 95 degrees with no a/c soon and I'm not getting any smaller.  Were also still trying to work on our backyard.  We were supposed to have someone come on Monday and level/til the whole back but his equipment broke so things are on hold at the moment.

Side by side 19 week picture, first is with Lily and second is with baby girl #2.

And some Easter pics.


  1. Love all the pic. So excited about the new little girl. Have you thought about a daybed with a trundle or a murphy bed for the guest room?


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