22 Weeks

Cooking time: 22 weeks, 2 days

Weight gain: not sure, I haven't weighed myself.  I'm usually a little too concerned about it but I think for the reminder I will just weigh in at the Dr...bring on the birthday treats 

Food aversions/cravings: chips. chips. chips....I have a problem.  Lays were buy one get one free at Target too. Yikes!
Sleep: Really good...and I've actually been staying up until 10ish at night.

Movement: definite kicks, Rollie has yet to feel though :(

Overall feelings/symptoms: my left hip/sciatic is still bugging me alot, but the yard work hasn't helped.  I got a prenatal massage on Mothers Day and it was heavenly.  I love the pillow that they use, your hips rest on top of it making your belly somewhat suspended and its just the right amount of stretch. 

What we've been up to: Backyard!  We are in the home stretch.  As hard as it is (and time consuming) to take something like this on ourselves (90% Rollie, 10% me) it is rewarding and we will feel great after its done, not too mention save thousands of dollars!  Sunday was Mothers Day and after working in the yard first thing in the morning I headed to Hotel Healdsburg for a massage, pedicure, and lunch by the pool.  It's my annual Mothers Day/Birthday treat.  It was pretty hot out so I didn't last too long lounging by the pool but it was still nice.  In the afternoon after Lily's nap I picked up her and Rollie and we headed over to Napa.  We stopped at T-Vine a new winery that I drive by everyday and had been wanting to check out.  Then we continued on to our friends the Busams in South Napa.  They are renting a stunning house that's nestled into 40+ acres of vines.  They greeted us with Veuve Clicquot...fancy!  And the most incredible sweet/salty homemade nuts that I just have to have the recipe for!  Lily played outside and we took a nice walk around the property before dinner.  Dinner was short ribs, sweet glazed carrots, and Parmesan risotto!  Such a great evening, I felt very spoiled!  Monday was music/errands/cleaning day.  Tuesday was Spring Lake walk/playgroup and then we went to dinner as a family for an early birthday celebration.  After dinner Rollie worked on the yard until it got dark out.  The only thing left is a little bit more weed barrier/laying mulch along the back fence, planting a few ornamental grasses and laying the sod.  It's been too hot this week to lay sod though.  Tonight we have a babysitter and we are going to a new (for us) restaurant, Bravas, in Healdsburg with Rollie's step mom for my birthday! 

22 weeks with Lily

22 weeks with baby sis, whoa!

Yard work 

Mother's Day 

              Playing before music 

                  Trying to keep cool

                   Dinner at sweet ts
              Why are pjs the cutest!?
                Posing on the porch 


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