25 Weeks with Baby Sis

Cooking time: 25 weeks, 3 days

Weight gain: 16 lbs

Food aversions/cravings: Nothing new, starting to get to that point where I get full alot faster, which isn't a bad thing.  Smaller more frequent meals are in order.

Sleep: Pretty good minus the heat and allergies last week.

Movement: lots, this one is way more more active than Lily. 

Overall feelings/symptoms: I think I felt braxton hick contractions the other day, but I'm not exactly sure.  Nothing painful but just felt a tightening of the uterus for a few minutes, so I'm guessing that's what it was.  Besides that feeling pretty good.

What we've been up to:  We had a nice relaxing Memorial Day weekend.  Swimming, playing on the deck, eating at our new table outside, naps, bbq's, and hanging with friends.  We finished planting a few things in the back (we were waiting for feather grass to come into season) and we replaced to ornamental grasses out front that didn't survive the frost this winter...funny how we had so much frost this winter and now we are in a severe drought.  I'm terrified of our water bill this month from watering the new sod, but it looks great. Lily has been so much fun lately (majority of the time).  She's repeating EVERYTHING so its time to watch what we say.  She's also already asking 'why?' to everything already...I thought that started at 3 or 4!?

Top picture is me with Lily at 25 weeks and bottom is me today with baby sis.  Definite difference! 


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