26 Weeks

Cooking time: 26 weeks, 3 days

Weight gain: no clue! This is the first week at work that guests have actually congratulated me or asked me how far along I am so I think the babe had another growth spurt, because there is no denying I'm pregnant now.

Food aversions/cravings: Oatmeal raisin cookies, thanks Sara! 

Sleep: Pretty great, no complaints. 

Movement: again lots, and lots of hiccups (I think)

Overall feelings/symptoms: Feeling pretty good.  Yesterday was one of those days she felt really high up and a tad uncomfortable but for the most part feeling good.  Tuesday it was in the mid 70s and it just felt great to have all the windows open and not be too hot! 

What we've been up to:  Last weekend Lily and I headed down south while Rollie went camping out at the coast with some guys for a bachelor party. We flew out of Santa Rosa (sooooo nice) Saturday night into San Diego where my Aunt picked us up.  It was a rough flight.  Our 11 hour flight across the world was easier than the 1.5 flight down to San Diego!   She was getting over yet another ear infection so I'm sure that didn't help, poor girl.  We arrived and headed over to my cousins girlfriends family friends graduation party 2 minutes from the Airport to let Lily run a bit before a car ride.  Sunday morning we all slept in (7:30...whoo hoo) and then walked to the beach and let Lily play around for a bit before heading back and playing in the hot tub.  Lily went down for a nap while we relaxed and read magazines outside.  Lovely!  Around 3 we headed to a family friends house to swim and Lily was so happy to watch the older girls play in the pool, Keaton is 8 and she had 2 little girlfriends over.  That evening my Aunt and I went to the movies while my Uncle and cousin watched Lily (so cute!).  We saw Maleficent in the 'fancy' cinnepolis theater and I don't think I'll ever be able to go to a regular movie theater again!   Monday we headed to Disney!   We had breakfast reservation at the Plaza Inn with Minnie.  It was a delicious breakfast buffet and alot of the characters make it around to your table for pictures, autographs, etc.   Lily wasn't too sold at first, especially with Chip/Dale but once Minnie came around she warmed up a bit.  After breakfast we did a small world, the train, jungle cruise, tom sawyers boat ride, and dumbo before watching the Parade.  Her favorite was definitely a small world, she was dancing, clapping and smiling the whole time!  After the parade we called it a day and headed back to my Aunts house for pizza and to crash early!  Tuesday morning Lily and I flew home and was back to reality.  I'm actually surprised at how well she did at Disney, I wasn't sure what it would be like for a 21 month old but there are really only a few rides she can't go on.  The only hard thing was the heat and lines of course, but can't wait to go back with Rollie maybe next year when new Star Wars attractions open :)

Above pic, 26 weeks with Lily in Maui

Bottom pic, 26.5 weeks today with lil sis

And a bunch of pics from this weekend...


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