27/28 weeks

Cooking time: 28 weeks, 1 day. Hello 3rd trimester!

Weight gain: 18 lbs at dr yesterday, 8 lbs more this time around than where I was with Lily...let's hope it comes off as easy...last pregnancy so after this it's in shape time!

Food aversions/cravings: s'mores! Rollie made a craving run late last week for me, he's the best.

Sleep: was going well until now as I write this wide awake at 2am :/

Movement: so much! Way more than I ever remember with Lily

Overall feelings/symptoms: heartburn started up this week but besides that I feel really good. I'm negative for gestational diabaties but found out I'm anemic just like I was with Lily.  I refuse to take iron supplements (constipation)...so I need to add some iron rich foods to my diet.

What we've been up to:  Two weekends ago Grandma Janet was here.  We enjoyed lots of deck/backyard time and Rollie and I even got 2 dates in! Saturday night we saw the new xmen movie and Sunday we headed up to Anderson a Valley with Kerry & Kristen for a little wine tasting and picnicking.  Minus the 103 degree temps it was really nice to hang out with another couple all day toddler free. Monday my friend Melissa came over and we had lunch & crafted, I painted a silhoutte of Princess Leia for the nursery.  During the week was the usual errands/playgroup/walks/work dance.  This past weekend Rollie took Lily to celebrate Reese & Taylors birthdays at the new childrens mueseum in Santa Rosa...we will be joining soon I think.  Sunday was Father's Day and while Rollie golfed in the morning we finished up a craft for him, grocery shopped for the week and made biscuits and gravy for brunch.  We all ate outsude before a nice relaxing nap time...we watched Jack Ryan while she dozed for 3 hours.  After nap we played before heading to an early dinner at Bjs. Rollie's Father's Day gift of a wine fridge came Monday so we spent last night organizing wine :). Good thing we are both super OCD when it comes to stuff like that!  We need to have a party this Fall since we are now up to 12 cases.

I couldn't find a 27 week picture with Lily so here is 28 week with Lily (left) and 27.5 with baby sis (on right)
         Beating the heat last weekend 
                   Goldeneye winery
       My girls, so lucky to have these 2 
                          in our lives
      After our Tuesday spring lake walk
               A rare snuggly moment 
      Thursday night concerts are back!
                   Painting for Dad
                The finished project 
              Waiting for the midwive
            Looking way to grown up
                Park date with Jack


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