Pipers first two weeks

Wow! I can't believe it's been two weeks. We are all doing great (a little tired of course) but for the most part everything is good. We had our first doctors appointment Tuesday after she was born and she had lost almost a pound, which is of course stressful. The doctor wasn't too worried but told us to get lots of rest, drink lots of water (me), and nurse on demand/or every 3 hours...and if she didn't seem satisfied to supplement a couple ounces of formula. We went home and got the next 3 days I nursed and pumped a lot :). I'm tying to pump more this time to not only boost my supple but stock some milk away early. We went back to the dr. on Friday and Piper had gained 6 oz which was really good! She was back up to 8 lbs, 9 oz. and without having to supplement. We now don't go back until mid October. One thing Piper does that Lily never did is cluster feed which is exhausting but seems to be only once and a while. Sleep has been rea...