Welcome to the world Piper!

Before my adrenaline turns into exhaustion and it's fresh in my head I thought id document Pipers birth story.

I went to the doctor on Thursday the 11th, the day after my due date.  I hadn't seen Cecelia the last two visits and she wondered why I didn't come in earlier in the week but with Labor Day everything had been pushed back.  Anyways, I jokingly said 'let's get this baby out!' And she said 'ok' let's do it tonight...but it was too late in the day to schedule an induction so we called the hospital and scheduled it for 6am on Friday the 12th.  Ahhhh!!!  Lily and I headed over to Micaelas house to swim with her and a Ensley since it was 95 degrees out and I was miserably uncomfortable!  

We called Kerry and Kristen to let them know we were going to be leaving for the hospital early and they were going to be watching Lily.  Kristen came to stay the night and we tried our best to get some sleep.  Unfortunately I got a call from the hospital at 5am saying they didn't have room for me and to try calling them at 10am.  We called and went back and forth several times and eventually checked in at 1pm.  

Then the fun began!  I was hooked up to pitocin at 3pm and was 2cm dialated and  70% effaced.  I was pretty scared pitocin would get things going super quick but that wasn't the case.  At 530pm my midwive came in and broke my water (not fun) and stretched me to a 3...also not enjoyable.  Several more hours went by, we walked around outside in the courtyard and in our room trying to get things going.  By 9pm my contractions weren't nessasarily painful but they were right on top of each other (2 min apart) so I opted to get the epidural since I knew I wanted one anyways and could use a little rest.  For some reason it wasn't as painless as last time.  He must have hit a nerve the first time and it was super painful...but eventually all was good and I got some rest.  I slept in 30 min increments between all the checking of vitals and such.  Around 430am I felt a change and lots of pressure so I was hoping that meant something good and it did! The nurse checked me and I was at 9cm and her head was much lower than it had been all night.  Suzi my midwive came in around 545am and after 12 minutes and 3 pushes our little miracle made her entrance.  They were all surprised at her size so we couldn't wait to get her on the scale.  Rollie was of course great throughout the whole night and even cut the cord this time!

Piper Rollie Wright was born at 6:05am on September 13th, 2014 at 9 lbs, 2oz and 20.5 inches long. So glad I went for the induction because I very well could have had a 10lb baby!  She's perfect. 

After about an hour and a half, and some much needed breakfast I got up and walked to the restroom...always scary but not too terrible. 

We moved rooms around 930/10am just in time for Aunties K&K to bring big sis up to meet her.  I of course cried the second I saw Lily and she was so excited to meet her baby sis.  We stated the night Saturday and got the ok to come home earlier Sunday afternoon!


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