Lily 2 years old
A bit behind but I've been sulking about no baby yet! I know it's not even my due date yet (9/10) but I just had high hopes for an early delivery with baby girl #2. Oh well, nature will run it's course.
Lily turned 2 almost 3 weeks ago but we just had her check up last week. She's healthy as can be and of course that's all we can hope for! She's 25 lbs and 32.50 inches which finally brought her out of the 2% height chart and all the way up to 16%! The doctor thinks she will probably top out at 5'3...but we shall see.
As far as other 'milestones' go she's talking like crazy...full sentences and questions. My favorite right now is if she does FaceTime with my mom she takes the phone away from me, walks away and has a full conversation with her. Neither of us have a clue what she's saying but it's pretty classic. It took her a while to get running down but had it mastered now and she's still working on jumping with both feet. Counting is a little rough still...she will never start with 'one' and chooses when to actually try counting all the way to ten. Her alphabet is pretty good, she definitely has the tune down and loves the 'next time won't you sing with me!' part. Colors are great, it's super cute when she just randomly starts naming colors.
Some of her favorite things to do: color, play outside (water toys, balls, her motorized car, and in the pool on hot days), baby dolls (we have a baby stroller and were giving her a mini baby doll crib once baby comes), chase Rufus around, read books/be read to, pretend clean with her new broom & vaccum and Of course watch the occasional Mickey, Frozen, Madagascar, or Little Einsteins.
Overall she's still our sweet little Lily and this age is sooo fun but she definitely has her 2 year old moments. She has an 'off' day maybe once a week. She doesn't like getting into the car seat or being in a shopping cart these days (basically doesn't like being strapped down). Sleep is great...goes to bed at 8pm wakes up at 630am and is good for a 2.5-3 hour nap around 1230/1.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about how she will be with her baby sister. I really hope she embraces it and wants to be nurturing and helpful. We shall see very soon!
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