Grandma L comes to visit

My mom came to town on April 13th for a week and we had a great visit.  Rollie went out of town the weekend of the 17th so it was very nice (crucial) to have some help!  She also got some nice alone time with each of the girls during the week while I was at work. And I even took a day off and still had the girls in daycare/preschool so my mom and I could enjoy some adult time :)

Monday morning after stroller strides we headed down to the airport to pick my mom up and naturally had to stop at IKEA on the way home.

Tuesday I had a dentist appointment (yuck) and then we all played at home the rest of the day.  That night Rollie and took advantage of free babysitting and went out to a belated anniversary dinner. We went to a newer spot, Aventine and it was delish and had a super romantic vibe.


Thursday was our mother/daughter day out and we started with a walk around spring lake before wine tasting & dinner out.  We hit up Macrostie, twomey, ridge, Bella & thumbprint before dinner out in healdsburg at Baci. It was really nice to enjoy adult conversation :)

Friday and Saturday were spent snuggling with Grandma while I was at work.
Sunday went out for breakfast and then to the kids mueseum and later that day we had Connor and Haley over for a yummy dinner and late birthday celebration.

On her last day we went to the park and mall for a little shopping.


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