Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone!  Well I'm not even going to mention our health situation.  Anyone that knows us knows what the last few months have been like.  April is here which means a fresh month! Two weekends ago Grandma Janet was supposed to come visit but she postponed it until we were all healthy.  Last weekend the Muro's drove up from LA and we had a great time catching up and drinking wine of course!  Kerington and Lily were great together all weekend=double trouble! Poor Lily wasn't 100% but she made the best of it and then we spent all of this week trying to rest (which we all don't do well) and catch up on errands and stuff around the house.  Today is Easter and the girls were up and at it this morning at 6!  Ugh...don't they know its Sunday?!  We headed over to the Kliegls for a delicious brunch and Easter egg hunt for Lily and Ensley.  After naps we are going to head over to Kerry and Kristen's for dinner.

Piper had her official 6 month check up this week and here are the stats:
Weighed in at 16.5 pounds (right around 50 percentile)
Length was 26.5 inches (also right around 50 percentile)
She's super healthy and right on track.  Only issue was some pretty bad eczema but some prescription hydrocortzone and change of bath soap has already made a world of difference.

Just to compare Lily was 14 lbs and 24.5 inches at her 6 month check up so Piper is definitely bigger. 

Easter pics...


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