Feels Like Summertime

Last week we kicked off swim lessons.  We are taking private lessons through a friends mom and the pool just happens to be in our neighborhood which is really nice.  Monday we went for a little run before the lesson and even had time to stop at the park too.  Lily did great for her first lesson.  She listened to everything Miss Kelly had to say and wasn't too afraid to try new things out.  We have 8 lessons this month so I'm really hoping she is actually swimming by August.  We are also fortunate enough to be able to try out a local athletic club and pool this month since one of our friends is the athletic director there.  Monday night we went to check it out and have a swim.

Tuesday we had swimming again and then we went to Kristina and Emma's for playgroup.  That afternoon we had Pipers 9 month check up (even though she turned 10 months yesterday).  After the doctor we came home and got ready to meet friends in Sonoma for the farmers market/concert in the park.  Keith and Michelle are expecting a baby in August :)

Piper tried some beets...wasn't so sure about those and sported some hot pink 'skinny' jeans, 'skinny' jeans don't really work on chunky baby thighs :)

Friday after work we walked over to our friend Melissa's house for their gender reveal party.  She's having a girl!

We had a pretty relaxing weekend.  Sunday we did a bunch of stuff around the house and then after naps we headed over to the Kliegls for a BBQ/family pool night.  No pics...total fail.


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