Hello July

I can't believe its July already.  We started off last week at Stroller strides of course and I only had my single stroller in the trunk.  I was planning on carrying Piper in the ergo but a friends nicely offered to share her double with Lily and her daughter Autumn since her youngest was at home.  Afterwards we did our quarterly Costco run.  Its fun to have the girls share a cart now.

Tuesday it was hot!  We went to stroller barre and then we had playgroup at Amy's and then the girls took nice naps after being outside all morning.  That evening we sat on the deck once it finally cooled off.

Piper is talking sooo much and trying really hard to crawl, she has the army crawl down fast but won't get up on her knees. She did say momma this week though!

Wednesday evening I ran the hills with Sally, 3x.  We died. 

Thursday evening we were supposed to head to the summer concert in Windsor but at the last minute we realized it was Friday night because of the 4th of July.  Ooops.  I was really bummed because I had a horrible day at work and needed to distress.  Our friend Kacey impromptu invited us over for take and bake pizza, cupcakes, and of course vino.  Piper sported her first pony tail. 

Rollie was off on Friday (lucky) so he ran a few errands with Piper and installed timers on our sprinklers (yeah!)

Friday and Saturday were crazy days for me at work so we just relaxed Friday night. 

Saturday after work we headed to Kristina's house for a bbq.  We unfortunately didn't make it to any fireworks though but we watched some on tv :)

Sunday we did a ton around the house in the morning and then Kristen and Kerry came over to watch the Womens World Cup game and then let us escape for a date night.  We dusted off our bikes and biked to Cibo Pizzeria and then grabbed a beer after at Fogbelt.  We even had time for fro-yo on the way home.  It was really fun to bike and might have to make that a summer habit now for date Nights.


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