35 Weeks

Sorry for the crappy picture

Cooking time: 35 weeks, 1 day
Weight gain: +19 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Same.  Luckily it decided to cool off today in the mid 70's and it feels fantastic! 
Food cravings: Mostly sweets (chocolate to be specific).  We had a great impromptu date night last night at our favorite local Italian restaurant Lococo's.  We shared two entrees: the spaghetti bolognese and the creamy tortellini with peas and prosciutto...yummy!!
Food dislikes: nothing
Missing: Sleep, laying on my tummy, and doing normal things like tying my shoes and cleaning the house with ease.
What we've been up to: 
-I skipped last weeks post...no good reason, just laziness. 
-We had a busy week last week:  Monday-dinner with friends in Novato last Monday night with their 3.5 year old and 11 day old!  Elle, was so tiny.  She was a few weeks early, still weighing at just 5.5 lbs.  Rollie held her after some nagging from me :)  Tuesday-we had birthing class, learned about c-sections and some more breathing exercises.  Wednesday- my friends from work had an amazing dinner party to 'celebrate' the banning of foie gras...everything was amazing.  We took it easy the rest of the weekend.  Today we went for a nice long walk at Howarth Park, came home and relaxed a bit and worked on the yard and house.  We are trying to get few things done around here before baby comes...install baseboards in bathrooms and kitchen, get sprinkler system inspected (tomorrow afternoon) and then hopefully install some sod in the front yard to replace the hideous red wood chips that have been driving me crazy since we moved in.
-My awesome coworkers also threw me a surprise baby shower on Saturday morning.  I walked and was completely surprised with gifts and decorations all over the bar in the tasting room.  We enjoyed some peanut butter/nutella pancakes, strawberries, bacon and hashbrowns too!  I was spoiled with lots of diapers and the summer infant touch baby monitor!  So nice...I've never had a surprise party before so it was a real treat.  I'm going to really miss going to work everyday, but I know I'll be visiting often :)


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