36 Weeks

Cooking time: 36 weeks, 2 days
Weight gain: +20 lbs
Maternity clothes: Same...dresses and skirts :)
Food cravings: Watermelon and sweets.  Today I had a craving for something lemon so we made a run to Whole Foods after our tour of the hospital, lemon sorbet :)
Food dislikes: nothing
Missing: Sleep, laying on my tummy, and doing normal things like tying my shoes and cleaning the house with ease.
What we've been up to: 
-Nesting lots.  I finished packing baby girls hospital bag this week, but I might need to take some things out after learning today at the hospital tour that I don't really need much for her.
-We made some room in the kitchen for bottles, bibs, etc.
-The nursery is pretty much done with the exception of a glider and closet doors/curtain.  We bought a fabric shower curtain at Target last night but its not really doing the trick.
-On Sunday night we tried a great new Asian fusion restaurant in Windsor called Chinois, we've been trying one new place a week while its easy to eat out!
-We saw Dark Knight Rises last night...it was really good!  Long but good.  
-Today we were both off so we worked on the front yard a ton.  We planted some ornamental grass and lavender in the bed next to our driveway and Rollie finished ripping up the weeds near the street and we laid dark wood chips for now.  Looks much cleaner and better.  We've also had several estimates on a new sprinkler system and sod to be laid down in majority of the front yard, so hopefully by the end of next week we might have grass!  Bye bye red wood chips! 
-We have a few more house projects I'd like to get done before baby arrives but after that I promised myself and Rollie that we will take a break for at least 6 months...maybe even a year but knowing the two of us that won't happen :)
-We had a Dr. appointment today and it was the first time she actually 'checked' me.  Baby is head down which is great, but she hasn't 'dropped' yet so nothing is happening anytime soon...she's nice and cozy.


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