37 Weeks

my lovely hostesses 

the hubs and I

Cooking time: 37 weeks, 1 day
Weight gain: +20 lbs
Maternity clothes: Same...dresses and skirts :)
Food cravings: Sweets mostly...not really that hungry lately (maybe that means she's coming early??)
Food dislikes: nothing
Missing: Sleep, laying on my tummy, and doing normal things like tying my shoes and cleaning the house with ease.
What we've been up to: 
-We are in the process of getting new sprinklers and sod in our front yard!!  So exciting...there has been red bark and weeds there since we moved in a year ago.
-Last night we had an amazing bbq/baby shower thrown by my friends Meghan and Melissa.  It was perfect.  Our little girl is surrounded by amazing friends and family.  We had about 20 friends and family (mostly work friends and Rollie's mom, step mom and step sister).  Baby 'W' got a lot of cute outfits, diaper pail, homemade artwork for her gallery wall, gift cards, and highchair.  That officially means we pretty much have everything for her arrival.  With gift cards we are looking to get a glider and jogging stroller but besides that she is pretty set.
-I was supposed to have a Dr. appointment today but she got called to a delivery and everyone else in the office was busy so rescheduled for tomorrow...
-Rollie's godparents came up today to finally see our house and took us out to lunch since they couldn't make it to the shower last night.  We tried a great new french place in town...even though it was 90 degrees I had french onion soup :)
-I have 5 more days of work until maternity leave and I'm considering working a bit longer if it weren't for the distance from home because I'm really not sure what I'm going to do at home!


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