Lily: 2 Months

Our little angel is 2 months old today.  I can't believe how time flies by.  I also can't imagine our lives without her, I know that's so cliche to say but it really is true.  Not much has changed since I posted her 8 week stats so this will mostly be a picture overload :)  The other afternoon we played outside for a bit on her quilt (the one my mom gave her) out in the front yard and she almost rolled over (from stomach to back) but she got frustrated when she got stuck on her side.  Rollie's mom is here this weekend so we've just been enjoying the nice Fall weather and relaxing at home for the most part.  Last night our good friends Tom and JC came over to meet Lily, grub on some good food and sip on some great wine.  It's supposed to rain for the next 3 out of 4 days which is a bit odd/early for this time of year but I'm actually really looking forward to it except for the fact that we won't be able to walk...might have to power walk the mall with a stroller :)  She has her 2 month shots on Tuesday...I'm not looking forward to that!
"Mom enough with the pictures!"

Strong tummy time

Attempting to roll over

...and then getting frustrated 

back to tummy and happy

One more shot inside :)

Morning photo session today...happy 2 months baby girl

Couldn't resist the giraffe hat for one pic

and of course the feathery fall headband

Not so happy about the pumpkin hat...that's also too big! 

and this is where the photo session ended...


  1. So funny! I was thinking that we will need to power walk the mall too :)!!


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