Lily 6 weeks

I knew I wouldn't be very good about keeping to a blog schedule...but I felt inspired to write this morning, so here I am!

I can't believe our little girl is already 6 weeks old....that also means my maternity leave is half way over...luckily Lily will be home with Rollie on Sundays, both of us on Mondays, and with me on Tuesdays.  The other 4 days a week she will attend an in home daycare.  Currently the lady who will be watching her only watches 2 other infants (a 6 month old and a 1 year old).  The thought of leaving her right now just breaks my heart so I'm trying to not even go there and just enjoy being home with her right now.  Although as much as I would love to stay at home and watch her, I do love my job and I need the adult interaction and structure (at least I think that now!)  So with that being said I'm letting the housework, yard work and errands slide for the next 6 weeks while I spoil, snuggle and cherish my little angel.

We've been busy too.  Rollie went back to work on Tuesday so the weeks leading up to him going back we enjoyed lots of wine tasting, happy hours, shopping, walking and time with friends.  I honestly couldn't ask for a more involved and supportive husband.  He cooked, cleaned, changed her, feed her (I pump once or twice a day so he can feed her a nighttime bottle) filled up my ice water, brought me the boppy, packed the car, and much much more.  Its going to be a tough adjustment doing it all alone!  Yesterday we took our first solo walk and our stroller got a flat tire while I was about a mile from home, with Rufus too!  Its going to take some practice walking Lily and Rufus on my own.

This week brings more visitors.  My aunt and uncle from Orange County are celebrating their 24th wedding anniversary so they are spending a bit of time in San Francisco and then heading up to wine country to wine taste of course and spend some time with us.  Next weekend our good friends Allison and Brian are spending a night with us while on a vacation in Northern California up from L.A. and then one of my best friends, Dina, is coming up from L.A. on Saturday for a few nights.  Everyone wants to meet Lily!  I can't blame them :)

I've been doing weight watchers for a week now, and I gained a pound...yep.  Its really tough while breastfeeding because I just feel like I'm hungry all the time, although I do get 'extra points' for nursing so I just need to be a bit more disciplined this week.  My 6 week check up is tomorrow and I was hoping to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight but I'll miss it by 3-4 pounds.

I'll wait to do her 'stat's' until she hits the 2 month mark...because I have no idea how much she weighs! Her newborn diapers and clothes are definitely not fitting anymore so I know she's packing on the pounds (or ounces I should say).

Wine tasting at Joseph Phelps

Mini photo shoot out on the deck 

There is nothing better than when she falls asleep on me

Fall is in the air (vineyard!)

One of my favorite new accessories, baby leg warmers

View from tasting patio at Miramar Estate


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