In the thick of it
Hopefully monthly blogging won't become a habit. Life has just been crazy. April was a big blur. We host a bi annual pick up party at work and for the months of April and October I'm pretty much a working like mad or exhausted from working like mad. Then it took a week to feel normal again! I'm also working split days at the moment (off on Sunday/Tuesday) and its really not fun. I can't truly enjoy a weekend and its really hard to decompose on Sundays knowing that I have to work the next day. Hopefully I only 2 more months of it until Piper can start at Lily's preschool/daycare. Rollie was a rock-star Dad as always, taking care of not only the girls but me too. I know there were days that I was grumpy and not myself. They did come to visit me one day during the craziness and that helped! Lily is wonderful 90% of the time and a threenager the other 10%. It's absolutely amazing what a 3.5 year old absorbs and their tiny little imaginatio...
LOVE all the beach pics - so adorable!