Week in review

We've been social butterflies this week, it's fun and were not ones to stay in but on top of working I'm really itching for a relaxing getaway right now.

Monday grandma Janet was kind enough to let me have a few hours to myself while Lily and her played and watched our new windows being installed (yeah!). Being a grown up stinks sometimes...instead of taking a trip or going on a shopping spree were using our tax return on home improvements...anyways, I snuck away for a pedicure and some errands solo which was very nice but I spent the rest of Monday afternoon snuggling and playing with Lily.

Tuesday we headed to target for a few things before heading over to Dawn and Ariyas for playgroup. We took a great group pic which we haven't done in a while. I was exhausted in Tuesday and needed some down time so I skipped my weekly walk with Melissa and Jack (my waistline wasn't happy) but I needed rest before starting my work week. Lilys definitely teething too and had a pretty fussy afternoon...so much for rest.

Wednesday Lily had a great day at Jessica's (daycare) and we had a relaxing evening. Then Lily slept through the night that night!

Thursday after work we had a quick family dinner out at sweet t's...lily played quietly and ate dinner in her carseat and our waitress just loved her. Lily's on Sophie #3...thankfully Chris & Amy sent her this one from Germany express mail after finding out she had thrown yet another one out of the stroller on a walk somewhere. Thursday night Lily slept through the night again. I was hoping this was going to be her new sleeping pattern but she was back to her old tricks by Friday night :(

Friday we had dinner at our friend Jared and Alicia's. Lily and Kaylie (almost 3) had a blast together. It was so cute seeing Kaylie talk and play with Lily. Lily also got up on her knees for the first time and might have scooted/fallen/lunged forward for the first time. Yikes! I'm so not ready for a crawler. I'm sure we still have a month or so but it's a scary thought.

Saturday Lily and Rollie enjoyed some errands while I was at work and then I got the most adorable picture of her napping on his chest in the afternoon.

Sunday we all attempted to 'sleep in' after playing in bed for a while we went in a nice long family walk. Then we headed to OSH where Lily tested out her new shopping cart cover...she loved it. We bought a new mower and trimmer, as well as some bark/mulch to freshen up the front yard with. Spent a couple hours working on the yard while Lily napped.

Yesterday afternoon/evening we headed over to Napa for a homemade pizza night with some of my coworkers/ex coworkers. Made a quick stop at Artesa for a wine taste on the way over. Jim and Zahava hosted dinner, Zahava has a granddaughter a month younger than Lily so she was stocked with toys, high chair and a pack n play so it was perfect. Our friend Amber who just started at Odette Estate, a plump jack property bought Lily a super cute coral plump jack onesie.

Such a great week. Watching Lily change every week is just amazing. We are so blessed with such a happy, smiley, beautiful little girl.


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