Week in Review

Tuesday-Friday seems to be a blur...playgroup was Tuesday, then work, work, work...blah blah blah.  Friday was a nice almost end to my work week though.  Rollie headed to the driving range with Amar and Kai who are two of my friends husbands, while us ladies, Micaela, Rosey, and Dawn had a nice little happy hour with the babies at Dawn's house.  I'm really glad that Rollie is becoming friends with some o the 'Dad's' it sounds like they even talked about 1st birthdays and nighttime routines...adorable! Saturday while I slaved away at work Rollie and Lily celebrated Micaela's 30th birthday at Lagunitas...jealous!

Yesterday we (Lily and I) slept in until 9am!!!  Crazy and clearly needed.  We then did some yardwork for a few hours before my cousin and his friend arrived for their overnight visit to tour Sonoma State.  We treated the boys to lunch at Russian River then headed back to our house to relax for a bit before heading over to our friends house for a bbq.  Our good friends Tom and JC just bought a house in Petaluma.  Yeah closer to us!  They also just got engaged and it was Jean Claire's birthday...lots to celebrate.  Amber, Josh, and Meghan were there too.  We're so grateful that we've made such incredible friends in such a short time here.  We've stuck to our monthly dinner club since January now and its such a great time.

Hopefully I'll get to Lily's 8 month post tomorrow.

The girls playing while the mom's enjoy a glass o wine

just because lillies

getting ready for lagunitas with her lagunitas onesie

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baby shorts...I mean, really?!

8 month old beauty

my cousin Connor and I...hoping he goes to Sonoma State :)

chillin at our friends BBQ

Celebrating so many great things with friends

Amber catching baby fever!

such a trooper...slept in her pack n play while the adults played and woke up happy to be 'transferred' home 


  1. If Connor attends Sonoma State, Sara and I are going to be fighting over the spare bedroom a lot! I love the pictures - and the baby shorts crack me up. Did we really worry that she wasn't gaining enough weight?

    Congrats to Tom and JC - I see lots of pictures in Lily's future. You are so lucky to have such great groups of friends.


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