
I started reading blogs almost 5 years ago. It first started with following a few photographers when I was laid off and thinking of pursuing a career in the photography field (that didn't happen), then it was home improvement blogs after we bought our first house (and I still follow many of those), and most recently pregnancy blogs that have now in a way turned into 'mommy' blogs.  I really enjoy reading a select few women's journeys through motherhood.  I even follow some of these women on Instagram and in a way some of us have become IG 'friends'.  Two of them posted about a topic today that I really can relate to.  Comparison is the thief of joy.  We are surrounded by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reality tv, Blogs and Pintrest that it is WAY to easy to find ways to compare our lives with those we know as well as complete strangers.  I work in the luxury wine industry and I meet people everyday that don't even blink at dropping a mortgage payment worth of wine at one stop on their week long trip to Napa.  I compare myself to them all the time...their cars, designer bags and clothes, giant diamonds, etc.  Bottom line is sometimes it gets me down and that is just crazy.  No one is perfect, its ok to be who we are and be happy for what we have and what we have accomplished.  I am beyond lucky to have an amazing family, wonderful friends, a beautiful home, and a great job.  So thank you Julie from the girl in the red shoes and Natasha from hello happiness sometimes we all need a little reminder to just keep it real.


  1. You ARE one lucky lady!! Thank YOU for the reminder :) xoxoxo

  2. You have a beautiful life, and a beautiful family. Loved this post. :-)


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