Sunday Funday

We've really been taking advantages of the last few Sundays.  It's our only day off together as a whole family so its nice to spend time just the three of us.  Three weeks ago we drove up to Lake Sonoma and then had an early dinner in Healdsburg.  Last weekend we met Rollie's godparents for lunch at Cavallo Point and then headed over to Stinson Beach for a nice walk along the ocean and then had a beer outside in the Beer Garden at Lagunitas Brewing Company.  Today we lounged around all morning after having a little too much wine last night with our friends Kerry and Kristen.  Around lunch time we decided to head into Healdsburg for lunch at Bear Republic Brewery and then we took a drive around Alexander Valley while making one pit stop at Stonestreet Vineyards for a little wine tasting and beautiful views.

I remembered my good camera for Lake Sonoma and today but failed at the beach last week. Here are a few pics.  We are so fortunate to live in such an incredible area.


  1. What an awesome day!!! Loved seeing the pics.

    ps- LOVE Lily's shoes!


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