Week in review

Monday I had some great visitors at work. 
Tuesday Lily and I hung out and went to playgroup at the park.

Wednesday we had our jog with jack and Melissa (no pics) then I got a pedicure with Cameron (the birthday girl), then Lily and I had a lunch date at boudin before running errands.  That night I headed out with the girls for Cameron's birthday. And, yes Cameron's dream is to get a picture of us doing a pyramid so we finally attempted it but it went horribly wrong!

Thursday was back to reality with work but it was also Rollies birthday.  Lily rocked her Star Wars tshirt.  Lily made Rollie the cutest frame at daycare.  After work we headed out to our birthday spot ,Locococs for dinner.  After dinner we headed home to put Lily to bed and enjoyed a glass of wine and dessert on the deck.

Friday & Saturday were crazy at work but I had a chance to unwind Saturday night with all the girls from work for our monthly dinner. We started at Anne's house for some bubbly and snacks and then headed to Tra Vigne...it was soooo good.
I did something to my hip and couldn't even out pressure on it last night so this morning I skipped yoga & bootcamp and played with Lily all morning and then took a little nap while she did.  It was exactly what I needed.  Then the three of us headed to the Barlow in Sebastspol which is a new marketplace with breweries, tasting rooms, and shops.  It was super cool and we can't wait until more store fronts open up.  Now we are relaxing again (I know...more than I've done all month) before some friends come over for a bbq.


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