
We've had a such a busy week and I really want to do a week review post but I think Halloween deserves it's own post first.

Lily wore her bumble bee outfit to daycare since it's pretty easy and comfortable to put on.  Jessica went all out for Halloween decoration so here's a pic of Lily out front.

Haloween evening we waited til dusk and then ventured out to a few houses in our neighborhood.  Lily loved it.  I honestly think she sort of understood what was going on (ok probably not) but she walked right up to people's doors and smiled holding her bucket out.

Afterwards we handed out LOTS of candy and Lily helped with that too.

Such a fun time.  Sad thst Haloweens over, I'm not ready for Christmas ads!


  1. How can that kid get any cuter? I love the pic of her trick or treating with that "I need candy" smile on her face. She really did seem to have the knack of looking appealing! I am surprised that all the decorations just seem to amuse her. Thank you again (and again) for being so good about posting... otherwise this would be too hard. I hope you and your Mom get some good pics!!


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