Holiday Bucket List

I saw a super cute idea on one of the blogs I read, Little Baby Garvin.  She's doing the 25 days of Christmas Bucket List.  I changed mine slightly from hers but here it is:

25. Make Christmas cookies.
24. Buy a real Christmas tree & stash vases of fresh trimmings all around the house.
23. Send Christmas cards & find a way to display all the ones we receive *I've been wanting to find a new way to display for a couple years now.
22. Buy a new red nailpolish.
21. Hang a string of colored lights somewhere unexpected in the house. Around your chalkboard, in the bathroom or even in your closet.
20. Watch Elf & make paper snowflakes.
19. Donate toys to a local charity.
18. Make holiday garland.
17. Take silly pictures in our reindeer antlers
16. Make fireplace/stove s'mores & listen to Christmas music.
15. Buy a new ornament for 2013.
14. Play the Christmas Vacation movie drinking game.
13. DIY Christmas gifts for family.
12. Have a date night, make a new recipe & watch Love Actually.
11. Make treats for co-workers & friends.
10. Drink hot chocolate & drive around looking at Christmas lights.
9. Have a white elephant gift exchange.
8. Take Lily to go see Santa.
7. Build a Christmas book collection
6. Go wine tasting/check out wineries decorations
5. Go shopping in downtown SF and see the big Christmas Tree in Union Square.
4. Have a festive dinner out.
3. Hang & stuff stockings (hopefully on a new mantle).
2. Watch Elf, Home Alone, A White Christmas, A Christmas Story & The Grinch
1. Make cookies for Santa & wear new Christmas pajamas Christmas Eve.

Christmas 2012


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