Little person

I really feel like in the last week Lily has turned from a baby to a toddler.  She is just so entertaining to watch these days.  Between the mimicking, new vocabulary, little strut/run, and full personality its amazing.  We had our amazing friend Jean Claire take our family pictures last Sunday.  We started off at our house so we could get a few shots with Rufus.  Then we headed out around the neighborhood to some vineyards, train tracks and ended up back at home for some more shots in the front yard.  I'm so happy with how they turned out.

Picture Overload and don't be shocked when one of these shows up on our Christmas Card.


  1. I LOVE these pictures! Such a beautiful, sweet family.

  2. Wow! JC (and you three) did a great job. This will be hard to decide on my favorite. You are lucky to have such a talented friend.


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