A special trip for Lily

Lily and I jetted down to Laguna for 2 days at the beginning of February.  My Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, her new husband and Grandma were down at my other Aunt and Uncles, so with that much family in one spot I just couldn't be a short plane ride away without joining.  BUT I also didn't think I could handle traveling solo with both girls again so I decided to just take Lily.  We had a blast.  It was really special to spoil her.  We got in around dinner time on Saturday and headed to Hennessy's in Dana Point.

Sunday morning my Aunt Sara and our close family friend Melissa headed over to the Montage for yoga.  Pretty serene yoga views.  Later that morning Lily and I headed out for her first pedicure and lunch together.  Sunday afternoon My Aunt had about 15 people over for the SuperBowl...Lily actually fell asleep on my cousin Stefani during the game!

Monday it was raining so my Aunt and I headed to a super great spin class at Grit Cycle and then we all lounged around before heading to Fashion Island for a little shopping and early dinner before Lily and I flew home.  It was a short but great trip. It's so amazing that Lily can spend time with her Great Grandma (hopefully she remembers :)


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