The longest shortest month ever

February was one for the books.  The sickness continued as did the rain.

Work has been busy with Spring Release for me and Rollie was promoted to a new position at work (yay!) He is now the new Wine Buyer for Wine Spectrum.

We also started potty training Piper and put her in a big bed, both of which are going surprisingly well.

I escaped with Lily to Orange County for a few nights to see family (will do a separate post).

The girls enjoyed swim lessons at the YMCA with the Kliegl girls.

We did get a few days of sunshine and luckily we were watching Quinn and Ensley that morning.

Lily woke up on Valentines Day with a terrible flu.  She missed her Valentines Party at school and stayed home from school for 3 days :(

When she returned she was the 'shining star' so we brought mini croissants one day to share with her class.

I spent Presidents Day weekend in severe pain that landed me in the Emergency Room that Sunday. It ended up being an ovarian cyst that had ruptured. It was seriously worse than Labor at times.  Rollie and the girls were great to me while I rested the rest of that weekend.  It was such a bummer because we rarely get 2 days off as a family and I spent it in bed.

Lily had her first dentist appointment-we've been putting it off due to some insurance issues but she did awesome.

Our friend Kai has been into baking bread so I ordered the cookbook he uses, Flour, Water Salt & Yeast and have been playing around with it a bit.

Rollie signed up for Level 3 WSET course.  It is pretty intense and has been taking up alot of his free time.  The first Saturday he was gone we attended Jack's 5th birthday party and then I took the girls to pizza lunch afterwards.  As I write this (March 11th) today is his last class, so we can't wait to enjoy a family day tomorrow.

A few Mondays ago I took the girls the Children's Museum before meeting up with the Read girls at Target.

It doesn't sound all that bad now but it seemed like a very long exhausting month!  I was very ready for a fresh start in March!


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