March 1st-March 5th

Ahhhhhh March!  I'm so happy you are here.  We have lots planned this month which always makes me happy.  We started out the month with Dr. Suess Day at school.  I did the girls hair all crazy and dressed them in colorful backwards outfits.

I met a girlfriend at Handline, a cute new place in Sebastapol.  They converted an old Foster Freeze into a hip restaurants where you still order at the window and then dine family style.

We celebrated both Dawn and Kristina's birthdays on Friday night at Rosso.  So very thankful for our amazing group of friends.  We of course ate, drank and were merry :)

We've been lucky enough to have Sierra babysit the last few Saturdays while Rollie has been in class. She and the girls made brownies on Saturday.

Saturday night we impromptu headed to Kristina's for UFC fight and pizza...the kiddos got to watch Moana in her theater. Zero pictures.

Sunday Rollie was in class so we lounged around a bit and then met up with Kerry and Kristen at MacRostie for the Wine Club Event.  It was super cold on Sunday (high of 40ish) it also hailed, rained and was sunny.  Super odd weather.


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