17 Weeks

Cooking time: 17 weeks today
Weight gain: +1, I've definitely noticed more of a 'bump' this week, especially at night.
Maternity clothes: loving my Old Navy skinny maternity jeans and leggings.  The white skinny jeans I ordered didn't work out...super low rise which is just stupid for maternity jeans...but both pair of shorts are great that I ordered for Hawaii :)
Food cravings: Red meat and hard candies
Food dislikes: mushrooms
Missing: sleeping through the night

What we've been up to: 
Mostly relaxing.  Rollie was in Vegas all weekend with fraternity brothers so I worked and relaxed at night. My best friend Dina was in town all weekend with a friend who grew up here for Barrel Tasting in Sonoma...I didn't join them for wine tasting of course but we all went over to Nicole's parents house for burgers and a bonfire this evening (that's where the picture above was taken).  Dina is staying the night with us tonight, but I have to work tomorrow :(


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