18 Weeks

18 weeks strolling the strand in front of the Montage Resort in Laguna Beach

Cooking time: 17 weeks, 6 days
Weight gain: Not sure...I've been out of town so I haven't weighed myself.  I'm guessing a couple pounds because I think its safe to the belly has popped! 
Maternity clothes: yep!  Tried wearing my non maternity white jeans while on vacation with the hair tie trick but that was a stretch.  I bought a great pair of black maternity jeggings from H&M mama line while down in Orange County this week.
Food cravings: Red meat, fruit, and sweets
Food dislikes: nothing
Missing: sleeping through the night...I now get up twice to pee instead of once :(

What we've been up to: 
Busy busy busy!  Rollie got back from Vegas last Sunday and I saw him for a day in a half and then I left for Laguna on Tuesday night and just got back early this morning.  I had a great time with my family (more on that on a later post) but its always good to be home...I missed my boys!
We have an exciting week!  Granite counters in kitchen gets installed on Monday and on Wednesday we find out if its a he or she!!!  Yeah! 


  1. I bet it's a boy!!! Red meat is a sign, but the fruit throws me off, that was my craving with Rowan:). Either way, SO excited for you!!!!!!!!


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