Being on vacation I wasn't completely on top of this one...I actually thought today's pic was supposed to be balloons...oops! So instead of an actual postcard I'll use a picture that I took that could be a postcard :)
Hopefully monthly blogging won't become a habit. Life has just been crazy. April was a big blur. We host a bi annual pick up party at work and for the months of April and October I'm pretty much a working like mad or exhausted from working like mad. Then it took a week to feel normal again! I'm also working split days at the moment (off on Sunday/Tuesday) and its really not fun. I can't truly enjoy a weekend and its really hard to decompose on Sundays knowing that I have to work the next day. Hopefully I only 2 more months of it until Piper can start at Lily's preschool/daycare. Rollie was a rock-star Dad as always, taking care of not only the girls but me too. I know there were days that I was grumpy and not myself. They did come to visit me one day during the craziness and that helped! Lily is wonderful 90% of the time and a threenager the other 10%. It's absolutely amazing what a 3.5 year old absorbs and their tiny little imaginatio...
I have lots to blog about, Chicago, Michigan, our recent weekend in San Fran...but this comes first. Last week I was doing my usual 'before bedtime Facebook scan', and I came across a post from a High School friend. Maggie had posted an article about Natalie Taylors new memoir, 'Signs of Life'. I knew it was going to be released this Winter/Spring but it had slipped my mind. I immediately went onto Amazon and ordered it. I got the book Thursday and I'll be done tonight (I have 2 more chapters to go). I'm not a fast reader. Rollie can back me up on this one. I got about 6 books for Christmas and I've only finished one so far, and I'm in the middle of two others. Rollie would have had all of them finished and probably would have bought a few more by now. But back to the point. A little background on Natalie...Natalie was married to Josh Taylor, one of my closest friends brother and someone that...
I have been trying to update my travel journal over the last view days and I can't believe how fortunate we have been over this past year. We had planned on celebrating our anniversary next weekend in LA for our friends wedding, but as we both just love to pick up and leave we changed our minds at the last minute. My Aunt and Uncle from Northern Michigan are in California for a month, and they came through Chico a couple of weekends ago on the way back from Tahoe. The mentioned that we should come visit them at their rental house in Sausalito the following that's just what we did! We spent Friday night in Sausalito at their amazing rental house, toured Muir Woods Saturday morning and then headed for Napa Saturday midday! It was a perfect anniversary weekend. Here are a few pictures!
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