3.21 Friend

I know its cliche to say...'marry your best friend'...and honestly we didn't start out as friends but as coworkers, then we dated, fell in love, got engaged and my husband grew into my best friend.  He's who I turned to for everything.  We can do nothing and everything together.  Neither of us have too many close friends up here...we've meet some great people but it takes years to build strong friendships.  We left behind very very close friends in LA but both of us lived there for close to 6 years, and before that we both left very close college and high school friends behind.  Luckily we both do a pretty good job of keeping in touch with friends far away.  I know we will meet people through our little bundle of joy...parenting classes, school, doctors, etc. But for now I'm happy to call my husband my best friend and I hope it stays that way for the rest of our lifetime together.  Instead of  taking one awkward picture of Rollie yesterday I've decided to make a little montage of us throughout the years...we just celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary last week and 6 years together.  Love you baby!
The Downers Wedding-our first real 'weekend' getaway April 2006
Cozumel, MX first big vacation together August 2006
Enterprise Christmas Party December 2007
Coffelts Wedding Summer 2007
Disneyland Club 33-One Year dating anniversary March 2007
Universal Studios December 2007
Christmas in our first apartment together December 2008
Engagement Photos September 2008
Scottsdale, AZ right after Rollie purposed Feburary 2008
Thanksgiving in Michigan November 2008
Christmas in Chico December 2009
Wedding Night March 2009
Antiqua Honeymoon March 2009
Fort Bragg, CA August 2009
Laguna, My 29th Birthday May 2010
Napa-One Year Wedding Anniversary March 2010
Florence, Italy October 2010
Chicago, IL April 2011
Giants Game April 2011
Wine Tasting November 2011
Christmas Card Outtake October 2011

Right before Rollie said, 'I love you' August 2006


  1. So sweet!!! I can so relate to the friend thing. Making friends is do much harder than anyone thinks! Moving for us was the best decision!!!!! Making friends will come over time, but in the meantime our relationship has gotten so much better!!! Such a cute post Jeni!!!


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