A week in review...bullet point style
*naps with Dina on Monday
*6 month check up. 14 lbs 10 oz, 24.5 inches on Tuesday
*did NOT like carrots on Wednesday
*organized Lilys closet and brought out
6-9 month sizes
*got an awesome early anniversary gift from Rollie (old grape vine)
*Lily wore green all week for St. Pattys day
*loved prunes
*Really like having Rollie around more since he's no longer commuting!
*6 month check up. 14 lbs 10 oz, 24.5 inches on Tuesday
*did NOT like carrots on Wednesday
*organized Lilys closet and brought out
6-9 month sizes
*got an awesome early anniversary gift from Rollie (old grape vine)
*Lily wore green all week for St. Pattys day
*loved prunes
*Really like having Rollie around more since he's no longer commuting!
I love all the smiles Lily! Too cute little girl.