Auntie Dina comes to town

Our (I say our because Dina is a best friend to both Rollie & I) came into town in Thursday night. Her good friend Nicole's parents live in Sebastopol on a ranch with 25 acres of vines...the view far surpasses our few acres :). Anyways, every year a bunch of their friends come up here for Northern Sonoma county barrel tasting weekend but this year Dina stayed with us.

Friday night after work I headed over there to hang out for a bit and pick Dina up to bring back here. I worked a long day Saturday but after work the 3 of us headed over to Nicole's for a crab feed, bonfire, and yummy vino. Lily was the hit of the party and a trooper, sleeping in the ergo from about 730-9 until we headed home for bedtime.

Sunday after a nice family walk in the morning we joined the crew for tasting.
White oak, sthullmuller, sbragia, Bella and a. Rafanelli. My favorite of the day was sthullmuller, such a cool rustic places, we will have to head back soon for a relaxing afternoon. I always love Bella too. Rollie and I chatted with the owner for a bit and she googled over lily, as her daughters name is lilia and Dina was sweet enough to buy us a bottle of the Lily hill zin.

Sunday evening we relaxed at home and went to bed early! I'm happy to be back to a normal schedule this week and looking forward to not having anything planned Monday. Tuesday is our walk with Melissa & jack, playgroup, and 6 month check up.


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