Week in Review

After a busy weekend, Lily and I took it easy on Monday and enjoyed lounging around, running a few errands, and cleaning house.

Tuesday was playgroup at Cameron and Reese's and it was dominated by the girls...with the exception of Hudson.  Playgroup seems to be getting shorter now that the babes are getting a bit older and can't just fall asleep in our arms, its a bit sad but at the same time exciting to watch them grow.  By the end of the summer I'm sure we will be at parks watching them walk!  Crazy.

Tuesday night we celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary.  We waited to celebrate because it was restaurant week in Sonoma County and we wanted to take advantage of the the good deals.  Our good friends Kristen and Kerry have been offering to watch Lily for us for months now so we finally took them up on the offer.  They are both going to be awesome parents someday!  Rollie and I headed downtown and grabbed a beer at Russian River before our 7:30pm reservation at Bruno's on 4th...one of our favorite date night spots.  Its a small place with probably only 10 tables and great food.  We brought a 2005 Duckhorn Three Palms Merlot that was delish too.  These have been a crazy 4 years between lots of moving, jobs, great vacations, unfortunate deaths, attending friends weddings, and watching lots of friends babies being born.  I can't imagine going through lives ups and downs with anyone other than Rollie.  He is my rock, my best friend, and most importantly now my daughters Daddy.  Hoping to celebrate 60 more years!

Wednesday was back to the grind...nothing excited to report.

Thursday morning Rollie left for Las Vegas for his annual 'boys' trip.  I was scared to stay here alone and it also made me realize how nice it is to co-parent because boy was I exhausted come Saturday night.  Lily sported her New Mexcio onesie to support the boys.  Thursday night Rosey, a friend from playgroup, her husband Tim, his mom who was in town from LA, and Vanessa (one of Lily's bf's) invited me out for dinner.  We went to Rosso which had a great $19 restaurant week menu.  I brought a 2008 Duckhorn Patzimaro Cab to enjoy...perfect with our wood fired pizzas.

Friday I worked, picked up Lily and snuggle before bedtime.

Saturday was a crazy usual workday for me, after work I picked up Lily and we had a date at Five Guys, went up and pretty much went to bed waiting for Rollie to get home.  His flight was delayed for 7 hours!  Ugh.  So he got home at 7am this morning instead of midnight last night.  We are glad to have him home!

This morning we all slept in, which was LOVELY!  And then we headed over to a baby/kids sale that was being put on by a local shop.  Miceala one of my playgroup friends met us there for a bit as we both bought things that the girls definitely didn't need but were too cute to resist.  Then Rollie, Lily and I headed over to Whole Foods for lunch and now we are enjoying a much needed relaxing day on the deck reading and playing.


  1. I love the pics. I really think the one with Kerry is cute. It looks like they are holding hands. She is changing so much!


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