Week in Review

Monday we met Rollie on his lunch break for a nice walk around his building surroundings.  I parked 1 1/2 miles away and jogged to meet him so it ended up being a 3.5 miles jog/walk which was nice and it was super nice seeing him in the middle of the day.  After our walk we headed to trader joes for our weekly grocery shopping and then home to relax for the rest of the afternoon.

Tuesday Lily and I snuggled in bed for a bit before heading over to Zenia and Zachary's for playgroup.  Zenia lives a little over a mile so Lily and I jogged there and walked back.  It was a small group which is sometimes nice for the mom's and the babies.  After playgroup we met Dawn/Aryia, Micaela/Ensley and Lyndsay for lunch at Chloe's.  Dawn and Micaela couldn't make playgroup because the girls were having napping issues earlier in the morning so it was nice to catch up.  After lunch Lily and I headed to  met Jack and Melissa for our weekly afternoon walk.  We've been doing these hills and they don't seem to get any easier!  Tuesday night we had Rosey, Vanessa, and Tim over for dinner.  The hubbies had  yet to met so it was nice for them to finally hangout.  I made lamb burgers for the first time and they turned out amazing.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were back to work for me and nothing too exciting happened.  We've been getting alot busier and work and I had the added pressure of my employee review this week.  Everything was great regarding my review, however I did have to have the conversation with my boss that I don't plan on returning to work 5 days a week...that 5th day being Sunday.  At this point I'm not willing to give up a day (the only day) that the three of us have together and I'm also not willing to work 5 days a week.  Its hard enough working 4 days with a 40 minute commute and it also doesn't financially make a whole lot of sense to put Lily in daycare full time nor is that something I want to do. I'm happy right now working Wednesday through Saturday (yes I'm tired and miss her terribly but its good for both of us) and I'm happy when I'm at work and I do love my job so I'm really hoping I can continue my current schedule...she (my boss) is getting back to me.  

Saturday was a crazy busy day at work for me but Rollie, Lily, and Janet (Rollie's mom) had a great day together.  Saturday night we were thinking of going out to dinner but I was too exhausted so we ordered salad and pizza for our local Mombo's pizza joint, stayed in and rented This is 40.  

Today was Easter and I'll write a separate post about that :)

Rocking her cute bee outfit on Saturdy with Daddy


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