Lily's first Easter

Today was Lily's first Easter.  I originally wasn't even going to get her a basket because I thought she wouldn't really get into it but I'm sooo glad that I changed my mind.  I randomly decided to browse Pottery Barn kids site early in the week and noticed that all of their Easter baskets and liners were on major sale.  I grew up loving Peter Rabbit so I decided on a classic white Peter Rabbit liner with her full name embroidered.  I didn't think that it would ship in time so that night I ran into Joanne's to grab a basket that I could use this year and year after year thinking I would just omit the liner this time around but the liner came on Friday!  Wednesday night I picked up a few things at Target for her basket.  Puffs, socks, spoons that attach to baby food pouches (genius!!), a few sippy cups, one outfit, bunny ears, a  new toy, and of course some plastic Easter eggs.

This morning we all slept in (7:30ish) yay!  And then headed into the family room for Lily to open her basket.  Its so much fun to see her play with things now that she can sit up and grab for them on her own.  Her favorite thing in the basket was of course the empty eggs.

Late morning Janet, Rollie, Lily and I headed over to a really cute restaurant in Forestville called The Backyard for brunch with our good friends Kristen and Kerry.  Lily was so good at brunch and I indulged in fried chicken and waffles for the first time and I have NO clue why it took me this long to try them!  So good.

Its been pouring and even thundering a bit on and off all day which is actually really  nice.  Even though we wanted to be lazy all day Rollie and I took a couple hours to clean and organize our garage while Grandma Janet played with Lily.

Nice low key Easter Sunday.  Here are some pictures from the good camera for a change.

Rufus got a new toy too



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