Week in review

We had a busy and fun past week. Last Sunday we were very productive, going on a nice walk as a family, lunch at Russian river and then home to do some cleaning and yardwork.

Monday lily sported her 'tiny Pliny' tshirt and her new mint colored skinnies...such a fashionista. Her and I met up with rosey & Vanessa and Cameron & Reese, two moms and babies from my playgroup and took an amazing hike at a new state park in Santa Rosa. We are so fortunate to live where we do. That night I finally worked on my St. Pattys day chalkboard.

Tuesday we hosted playgroup in the morning...I only got pictures of lily before. No group pics :(

Wednesday at work, a coworker and I got to 'secret shop' another winery, nickel & nickel...the grounds there were stunning and great wine too. After work I met up with my book club (I swear ill actually finish the book this time around) at nectar for happy hour. This group of ladies are just amazing, it's really nice to have found them. A few if us came back to my place for a 'nightcap' after happy hour.

Thursday & Friday were pretty much work and then home, but lily did sport some more green inspired outfits for st. Pattys day. Oh and Friday Duckhorn production team out on a great happy hour...green wine :)

Saturday I had a typical exhausting day while Rollie and lily enjoyed daddy/daughter day...I live for getting pictures if them while I'm at work.

Sundays a whole post on its own...to be written soon (hopefully)


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